Gary from Essex is a Scaffolder
By Mary Williams
Talks about
the longitudinal sway-brace.
‘That's the puncheon,’ he tells us, pointing.
Ties reveal
a non-moveable double-lip bolted supplementary coupler,
and a fixed finial coupler.
We are amazed.
Talking of couplers, he says,
his wife has gone away,
leaving him alone,
to deal with the adjustable fork-head,
expanding spigot,
and the tension pin.
He has a certificate of testing erection procedures.
No-one can match him, especially not them.
He can deal with outriggers, shingling;
uses a hatchet tool on
putlogs and wedges.
He shows me
the dead weight of the Kent ledge,
with its spigot pin;
the butting transom,
-needle and sway-
that links to the swivel finial coupler.
But when he knocks off over tea, he shows us the reveal tube,
and is sad it came to this.
Written Word ‘Hand’ poems